Have you ever had a dream so big that you don’t even know where to start, “Yep”, that’s where most people go wrong, they’re too busy looking up at the top and forget to even take the first step! We have come so far as a society but still lack so much, there is so much negativity and hatred out there and it can be hard to try and keep in a healthy positive state, you just have to watch the six o’clock news to want to book in a counselling session.
So, trying to have a plan or dream in this day and age that differs from others can be hard for some people to understand and they can be ruthless about it and try to bring you down. I believe finding happiness in this life is the first step, the second is, it is a choice how we choose to live and feel, and thirdly, it’s all about finding your purpose and giving back to others.
Finding your purpose is mostly discovered when a person is at their lowest point they have ever been in their life. During this time, you will learn the most crucial things about life, others and most importantly, yourself! It will also give you understanding as to why we are all who we are today, and why we are all great at different things.
All those things that have happened to you were for a reason and either helped you discover your purpose or were to help you get back on the right track to find your true purpose. Sometimes we just need to get out of our own heads and stop caring about what others think of us and stop trying to seek approval from those that really don’t matter at the end of the day.
Seeking approval from others has been one of my greatest flaws and I have struggled with it my whole life, that was until I started writing and since then, it has taken me to a place where I really don’t care what others think of me, I realized that it’s their problem and not mine. I now refuse to take other people’s negativity and garbage on board, as it’s not mine to take on. It is only a reflection of the person’s true insecurities and I feel for them by showing them kindness, as they are the people who need the most love. It is a beautiful and freeing feeling when you are content in your own body and mind and finally accept yourself 100%. I now see my life very differently than I used to and would so much rather be hated for being myself than be loved for being someone else.
Every time we take on other people’s negative views, or allow negativity into our minds, we take one step back from our dream. I love the saying, “Like attracts like” it is so true, whatever you think, comes your way, and when you see this really happen it makes you want to be really careful about what you focus your energy on.
We all have bad days and if we allow it, all the negative energy will flood in and hit you like a storm and will leave you feeling depleted. I know it can be hard but on those days it’s really important to try and see some form of happiness and be grateful for what you do have.
Life can get tough sometimes and when it is, think back to a time when you thought you couldn’t do something or you were scared and then think about how you pulled through it and achieved that goal. We all have those moments; it’s just about pulling them out of the memory bank when we need them and using them as our strength to get through it.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, be kind to one another and please remember… You can quit your day job, just don’t ever quit your dream.
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