As a child, you are constantly asked from adults what you want to be when you are all grown up, because when you six years old you really know what you what you want to do with your life, right? But this is true, we all have these high and forced expectations of life and have a young and naive impression of what our own is going to look like. Sometimes this can be good as it can be a driving force to help people go after their dreams, and other times it can be disruptive as people feel as if they have failed if their life has gone in a different direction.
It is really important to separate childish dreams to the future goals of today as life is forever changing and if life is forever changing you are always growing as a person. I feel like for me every five years my whole life changes, my goals, outlook and expectations change. When I was eight years old all I wanted to be when I was older was become a hairdresser, then when I was sixteen, I started my apprenticeship and quickly decided that this was definitely not the career for me, and soon got out of it. All these years later I have found my knish, but I will admit I had to kiss a couple frogs before I found my prince.
It’s even worse if you have grown up with a parent pushing their dreams onto you and wanting you to accomplish what they never had the gonads to do themselves. The major problem is when you accomplish others ideas of your dreams not only do you have no passion for what you have achieved and where you are in life, but you will also feel disappointed in yourself. I must admit I am blessed that grew up with an incredible mother whose only wish was for all of her children to be happy no matter what career we chose. I believe that is why I have never settled and have taken risks, trying to discover what I was good at in life and trying to find my own way.
Every day we live is a new and fresh day and a chance to do whatever you have ever wanted to achieve in life. If you can see it in your head you can hold it in your hand. Whether you still have a dream that you have held on to from a small child, know it’s never too late to go after it and if you are currently going after them don’t lose hope, every time you get knocked down try and see it as a lesson and learn from it, take a deep breath, get back up and try again. And if you are currently trying to fulfil and non-genuine dream, take a moment and think about what truly makes you happy and start there. Its not what we’re given, its what we create, what we overcome that makes life beautiful, it’s now time to stop the worrying, shed the weight of others expectations and live our life’s to the fullest and become the best versions of ourselves.
I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend, be kind to one another and please remember… You can quit your day job, just don’t ever give up on your dream.
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